Monday, August 22, 2016

Happy First Day of School!

Hello & welcome to all new and returning families! I am so excited to be back in school and share my love for all things ART. I use this blog to post homework assignments, as well as additional information for students to use. Each tab at the top of the page will take you to valuable sources that can be accessed easily outside of the classroom. My page is the Virtual Art Show where I will be posting pictures of students' completed artwork!

A Welcome Back packet and syllabus is going home with the students this week. The letter can also be found at the link HERE. The letter is accompanied by a student behavior contract and parent signature that must be signed and returned no later than next week.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Email is the easiest means for contact since I only have access to my telephone before school.

Thank you,

Ms. Strasser