Thursday, October 19, 2017

Week 7 Update

This last week has been very busy and very productive in the art room! I am excited to share a few slideshows of in-progress artworks of the current projects. Enjoy!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Week 5 Update

All of my classes have been making so much progress! 5th and 6th grade artists have just about completed their Elements of Art posters (anyone still working must complete it for homework this week), so they should be prepared for the upcoming Elements quiz.

5A - 10/17
5B - 10/19
6 - 10/16
7 - 10/17
8 - 10/9

8th grade began their first unit on Wednesday: Impressionism Landscapes. They viewed a slideshow on Impressionist Claude Monet and picked out a landscape image to use as a reference photo for their drawing. Students will recreate the Impressionism technique using oil pastels simulating the artist's use of oil paints. In the past, this project has turned out so beautiful, so I cannot wait to see what my 8th grade artists will create this year!

Next week, the other four grades will begin their first projects as well. 5th grade will look at the Ancient Egyptian mummification process and begin creating their chicken sarcophagi, which will be the final resting place for the chicken mummies they will make with Mr. Kenny. 6th grade will look at images of Islamic art and begin drawing a pattern in which they will use to create a radially balanced relief print. 7th grade will learn about Renaissance artist Lorenzo Ghiberti and his Gates of Paradise before drawing rough draft images of a scene of their choosing that displays foreground, middle ground, and background. More information on all of these projects can be found in the designated grade's tab on my website.

Last thing: Square 1 Art order forms and squickers should be coming to FCCS the middle of next week. Please keep an eye out for those packets! All of the student artwork that was submitted looked absolutely beautful, so I hope you would not want to miss out on preserving their drawings in a one-of-a-kind keepsake!