Friday, November 6, 2020

The End of Term 1

 Today is the last day of Term 1! I am seriously so pleased with how well students have adapted to virtual learning. I miss being able to see my students every day, but we are covering a lot of great stuff in our few sessions each week, and I've been trying to craft up virtual lessons that are both meaningful and fun for students.

I wanted to show off some of the incredible Draw Something! artworks students have produced over the last few weeks. This is a drawing activity that I gave to students often in person, and I recently discovered a digital tool that allows students to draw! Using Kami, students were able to use the lines that I left them and turn them into creative drawings! This is an activity I introduced on our Wednesday Doodle Days, so this is what students were able to come up with in the 30 minute class - here are a few highlights from the submissions:

Recently, students have been working on a spooky radio play project. We listened to some examples of radio plays, like Orson Welles' War of the Worlds, and students are working on creating their own short stories. I have been so impressed while reading through the scripts students are working on, and I can't wait to hear the final product! I am hoping to share some of the recordings on our Virtual Art Show once they are completed.