Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Welcome to Second Semester!

Welcome new students to Creative Arts! It was a pleasure getting to meet all of my new students yesterday. Due to the shortened school day, we briefly discussed what students could look forward to throughout the semester and I gave them a tour of the classroom. When we return to school, we're going to dive right in to our first project. Students will also be completing an "All About Me" activity and a creativity exercise so I can get to know a bit more about them and see them express their creativity. I will be sending home a syllabus (via email) this week to explain classroom procedures and what to expect in Creative Arts. This blog is a resource for both parents and students to use throughout the semester. The Creative Arts tab is where I post slideshows and necessary links (which are also accessible to students in Schoology). The Contests tab lists out information for art contests in the area. Stay tuned for a few additions to that page! If you would like a preview of the projects students will complete in this class, the Virtual Art Show is where I display some of the unit's best work. I also use this blog as a resource for parents to learn more about what is happening in the classroom. I am working on making sure I update the blog on a weekly basis, so check back every once in a while for a new post. I tend to post more frequently on Twitter (@StrasserArt_OMS) and Instagram (@MsStrasserArt_FCPS) throughout the week, so follow me on social media for frequent classroom updates.

Welcome to my returning Red class to Invention & Innovation! This is my first time teaching I&I and I am excited to learn more about various technologies alongside the students. This course allows students to learn about technology and invention in a hands-on experience. Each unit consists of a challenge for students to prepare for and complete, involving building and crafting. I am excited for this course because it is very much a creative outlet, just through a different platform than visual art. I will be sending home a syllabus this week for you to look over. I will also be sending home early next week a paper copy of the I&I safety pledge that needs to be signed by both the student and a parent/guardian to ensure that everyone is aware of the rules and potential hazards in this course. Class will meet daily in the art room, but some projects require us to use equipment in the technology education lab. I will occasionally posts updates on my blog of what students are working on in class, but social media is definitely going to be the better place to check for I&I updates.

Stay warm on this windy snow day!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Happy New Year!

I greatly apologize for my longer-than-usual absence from my blog! We have been so busy in the art room and I've been mostly hands on helping with ideas and technique that I hardly had a chance to take pictures of the last project. Since my last post, students have completed TWO projects. The watercolor paintings are absolutely beautiful and I wish I could keep them forever and ever, but students are proud of their art, as they should be, and have been taking them home this week. Some of the watercolor paintings have been added to the virtual art show.

Students also completed a choice-based project focused around the Russian abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. After viewing some of his famous artworks and discussing how artwork is able to convey mood even through non-objective subjects, students selected any song and created a composition that displayed either the emotion of the music or the imagery of the lyrics through either an abstract or clear subject. Students really enjoyed this project because they were also allowed to experiment with several different media and use whichever one(s) suited them best. Each artwork is completely unique and beautiful! Check out the virtual art show to see select completed artworks.

Currently students are working on their last project of the semester: Indonesian shadow puppets (Wayang Kulit). Students read Indonesian folktales to focus on plot progression in order to help them create their own storyline for group plays. This week students learned about craft knife safety and will start creating their puppets in class today! I am really looking forward to seeing these student shows come to life at the end of next week. I'm hoping that the weather stays clear of snow next week so that we do not lose any days to work on this final project. January 25th is my last day with my current CA students before they switch to I&I next semester, so I want to make the best of this last week!