Friday, May 8, 2020

Cultural Dance Fashion

I have been floored this week by all the fantastic submissions students sent in! Their assignment was to select a cultural dance and create an article of clothing or a prop that is used in the dance with materials from their homes. I was sent an array of creations that I've been happily featuring on my Instagram. One student even submitted a VIDEO instead of just writing an artist statement, where he filmed all the information as if he were giving a newscast (so creative!!!). I just wanted to show you some of the highlights:

Apache Crown Dance baton

Chinese Fan Dance fan crafted from sticks and tissue paper.

Regalia from the Navajo Dance of the Deities.

Chinese Fan Dance fans crafted from sticky notes.

Chinese Fan Dance fan crafted from sewn fabric.

A pigs head from the Cabeza de Cochino Dance of Latin America.

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